The differences between heating oil, fuel oil and diesel

In the world of fuels and combustibles, people often use the terms “heating oil”, “fuel oil” and “diesel” interchangeably, which can lead to confusion. However, these designations aren’t necessarily synonymous, as they refer to specific products with distinct applications, compositions and characteristics. It’s important to understand the differences in order to choose the right fuel or combustible for a particular use, especially when it comes to heating your home. Heating with fuel oil isn’t quite the same as heating with diesel. So, should you use diesel or fuel oil for your residential heating needs?

Heating with heating oil, heating with fuel oil and heating with diesel

Heating oil

Heating oil is a liquid combustible used primarily for domestic heating. Other common names for this product include “home heating oil” and “furnace oil”. Heating oil is slightly heavier than diesel, which means that it has a higher density and higher viscosity. Often tinted with red dye, it’s subject to very specific regulations in terms of taxation and safety.

Fuel oil

While various types of fuel oils exist, in Quebec, the term “fuel oil” (“mazout” in French) designates furnace oil, also known as “heating fuel oil. In general, fuel oil is a type of combustible derived from crude oil. One of its forms, light fuel oil, is widely utilized in heating houses, as well as commercial and industrial buildings. Typically stored in tanks, it commonly serves as fuel for central heating systems. Light fuel oil is similar to diesel in terms of composition; however, it is generally less refined and contains specific additives to reduce sludge and improve its performance in heating systems. Heating fuel oil is lighter than certain other types of fuel oil. This lends it optimal combustion properties for purposes of residential heating. In Quebec, whether we call it heating oil or heating fuel oil, we’re essentially talking about the same product.


The term “diesel” refers to the combustible that powers diesel engines. Diesel is a fuel frequently used in the engines of automobiles, trucks, busses and other motorized equipment. Derived from crude oil, diesel features higher density and more efficient combustion than gasoline. It is also less flammable than gasoline and produces fewer toxic fumes during storage, making it a popular choice for industrial and commercial applications. Diesel is also subject to strict regulations regarding its composition and the emissions it produces. In terms of composition, it is more viscous than gasoline and contains specific additives to improve its performance in diesel engines. Therefore, although people may talk about “heating with diesel”, this is actually nothing more than a popular misnomer for heating with fuel oil.

Pétrole & Propane Bélanger: your petroleum product specialists

Would you like more information on heating with fuel oil? Are you still unsure about the differences between diesel and heating fuel oil? To learn everything you need to know about heating oil, contact the experts at Pétrole & Propane Bélanger. It would be their pleasure to advise you regarding all of the various petroleum products, including propane gas.